We are having a great time here with my dad's brother, Uncle Bernard and his wife, Marvis. They have been amazing hosts! I think we have gained 10 pounds each...not that we are complaining! Yesterday Mark and Uncle Bernard and Brian went golfing and Courtney and Carli and I slept in, went shopping and relaxed. Later when the guys got home, we took Uncle Bernard and Brian's dogs to Yellowstone River to swim and retrieve the dummy....no, I'm not talking about Mark, they had a big rubber thing that is called a dummy. The dogs were so funny chasing it. Carli just loves them, and they love her, too! It wasn't long before the kids were in the water with them! The river moves pretty quickly here, and Carli was being swept downstream pretty quickly, but cousin Brian was in there to stop her from going too far down river. She was determined too swim back upstream, but was losing ground pretty quickly! We finally pulled her kicking and screaming to the side and carried her back to the car. She was having so much fun, she didn't want to leave.
Today we went to Absorkee to visit dad's grave and visit with family and friends of dad's. It was really nice seeing everyone, even though I didn't remember most of them, they all remembered me and most guessed who I was before Uncle Bernard even told them! It was fun. We had lunch in Fishtail, MT at a Cowboy Bar and Supper Club. We didn't get home until 5pm and had another big dinner waiting for us! Check out the pictures, there are some neat ones!
Carli looks very happy in all the photos... I don't think I have ever seen her smile so much. Glad to see Ice Cream Brown is a staple of American Cuisine everywhere.
Those two dogs have Tucker's obsessed and extremely focused look on their faces when it comes to the dummy (I did think you were talking about Mark... hahaha). I am eagerly awaiting our visit to Yellowstone. Hurry up and get there!
XO - C
These pictures are great, but I agree with Collen (that's scary!) that Mark is the dummy and we need to get over to Yellowstone!!!
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