This weekend I was fortunate enough to have Casey, my oldest at 21, come and stay with her sisters while Mark and I went to Haymarket, Virginia, with our friends Caren and Steve. We were visting our friends Alex and Jodie, who used to live across the street from Mark and I.
The six of us are great friends, the guys golf together, we girls hang out and have a great time. We all love fine wines, great food, fabulous vacations and we are all quite funny! So this weekend we headed north to visit our good friends, and go out to dinner at a restaurant called "Ubanna" in D.C.
We got to their house at about 3pm and Alex greeted us with sangria. Jodie had taken little Allison, who is 5, over to her first sleepover. I really wanted to get a picture of her before she went, but we missed her!
When Jodie got home, we of course set the guys up, (Mark) with snacks and drinks while we got ready to go out. Now, yesterday was Jodie and Alex's 17th anniversary. Caren and I went to put our pretty dresses on, and Jodie put her wedding gown on! She still fit in it, of course, she weighs like 95 pounds, and we all had a good laugh. Caren and I were just wishing we had brought our bridesmaid dresses!
Dinner at Urbanna was lovely, we had some great wine, and the food was really good. D.C. is always so much fun. After dinner, we headed back over to a little pub closer to Jodie and Alex's. We had a drink and caught up. We had to get home at a reasonable hour because the guys had early tee times. When we got back to the house, everyone went to bed except Jodie and I. We stayed up talking until 3am! Jodie and I have a special bond-we have a little in common and a huge amount in common. Does that make sense? We don't agree on everything, and that's okay. Caren is teetering on the edge of having to have gallbladder surgery and went to bed early. Don't worry, Caren, maybe you can get it out this week.
This morning Jodie made a delicious brunch and Caren and I spent the morning playing with Allison, who schooled us on the tooth fairy, her vowels, the candy hiding game, and all the details of her first sleep over. She is so cute-so sweet and innocent, I love that age. She is going to kindergarten this fall and is very excited about it!
When we got home, the girls had all made Mark a card and a big cookie. It was very sweet, and quite tasty,too. Casey did a fabulous job, the girls were happy, the house was clean and everyone had a fun weekend!
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