We had a very busy weekend! Casey came for a visit, and Casey and Courtney and I went shopping all day Saturday, while Carli and Dad went to get her a new movie and some ice cream. Casey and Courtney bought me an apron from William-Sonoma for my birthday, which is Wednesday. That is one of my favorite stores! We had a lovely afternoon, shopping, lunch, more shopping, then ice cream for the way home. Later that night, we all played Cranium-Mark and I won the first game, Casey and Courtney won the second. It was alot of fun. Carli enjoyed her new movie.
Sunday morning Casey went home and Courtney and I started the dreaded summer project-staining the swingset. UUggghhh. We bought the swingset about 6 years ago and we have never stained it. It was starting to look pretty faded. Carli plays on that swingset everyday, rain or shine-she swings every night just before it gets dark. We call it "The twilight swing". She looks out her window to check how much light she has left-then gets out there right at sunset and swings until dark. Every night. She is a funny girl.
Anyway, Mark power washed the swingset last weekend and Courtney and I stained it this weekend. It took all day, and it was like 100 degrees. I think I gave myself a little heat exhaustion. I came in and had to take a cool shower and a nap! I still don't feel so good tonight, and it was a very loooong day at work today.
I did finally get an email from the school board today, with a phone number to call tomorrow and they will be "happy to talk to me". So we shall see how that goes. I am off until next Thursday-I took a week off every month this summer to spend time with the girls. Courtney started cross country practice today for Cosby High School. She said it was so hot out there-it's hard to believe it is almost time to get them back to school!
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