Thursday, October 29, 2009

H1N1 formally known as Swine Flu as invaded our home!

So it is. I have been really careful about following all the CDC recommendations at work. I wear the mask that is so tight and uncomfortable it leaves marks on your face for an hour after you get home. Not to mention the goggles, the gown, the gloves. Oh well. Turns out Carli brought it home from school. She is really miserable, too. I have Tamiflu for her, and I gave her the first dose, but I have to tell you, it tastes like ass. I got her to take it tonight, but twice a day for 5 days...I don't know how I will con her into taking it again! She really has a mild case, 100 degree fever, runny nose, that typical H1N1 barking cough, but she really hardly ever gets sick, so she feels really bad.
In fact, she put herself to bed at 7:30 tonight.
Courtney and I are supposed to meet Brandi at Parents weekend at Washington and Lee friday night. We will have to see how Carli is tomorrow.
On a happier note, Courtney ran the cross country district meet today, and did really well. Her best time is 24 minutes and 47 seconds. But today she finished in 22 minutes and 44 seconds, two minutes off her personal record, or PR as they call it! They run a little over 3 miles in those meets-she did really well and we are very proud of her.
Have a great weekend!

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