Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I thought 40 was the new 20?

So, yesterday I went to my Obgyn for my annual appointment. No biggee, I go every year. However, this year I was not completely compliant and did not get my mammogram before I went,so I was expecting a lecture. I was prepared for it. I was going to counter with "but I went the year before, and I run several times a week and I eat healthy and my weight is fine, etc, etc..."but I didn't even get that far. I sat down and they took my blood pressure, which is always normal or even a little low-and it was 136/93! So we went ahead and completed the exam, then went back to the blood pressure again-140/95! We went over any changes that could have caused this, and the only thing I can think of is that they changed my birth control pill to the generic version-Tri Sprintec. Dr West said that may be what is causing it, and to check my blood pressure 3 times today. I went home and thought about it and I have been feeling less-than-100% the last two weeks, which is about how long I have been on this new pill. I was even thinking the last few mornings that I looked a little puffy, and felt a little headachy-not a full out headache, just a distant woozy-ness. I just didn't put it all together until the doctor mentioned it.
Today I went to work and checked my BP three times-it was higher than yesterday. I called my OB doctor and told her I was not taking that pill anymore and I was going to my family practice doctor. I left work early and when I got there, my blood pressure was 150/105! Yikes!
She is optimistic that it is just the new pill and told me to stop taking it, start taking the diuretic she prescribed for me and hooked me up with some lab work. I have to track my BP for the next month. So hopefully I will just pee my brains out and go back to baseline. She kept asking me "You feel okay? Are you sure?" I said yes, in fact I went for a 3 mile run yesterday! She told me not to do that anymore until she tells me it's okay! Bummer...

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